Frequently Asked Questions

How long after placing my order will it ship?

Depending on the product you ordered, we try to get your orders shipped out within 1-4 business days! Our apparel and some other items are printed on demand and may take will take anywhere from 2-7 business days to be produced. After they are produce then they are shipped - Shipping times vary but usually take up to a week to be delivered.

How should I care for my new pennant or camp flag?

Flags & Pennants may get slightly creased after shipping, no worries! Just iron very lightly on a wool or low setting to flatten it again. Wool is known to collect some stray hairs or fibers now and then. Remove them easily with a piece of tape or a lint roller. Wool can warp and shrink if it gets wet, we recommend keeping it as dry as possible to give it a long life!

How should I care for my new canvas banner?

Because of the nature of the canvas, you may notice some slight variations in texture and color – making each one unique! The simplest way to clean your banner is to gently use a lint-free cloth with soapy water. Canvas wrinkles easily even with gentle handling. Use an iron on medium/high heat (No steam) on the back side your canvas to iron out wrinkles. For more stubborn wrinkles, use a fine mist on the back of the canvas before ironing. Always use a barrier (like a bath towel) to protect both your canvas and surface.

How should I care for my outdoor flag?

Our flags are durable in all moderate weather conditions but the better you take care of them - the longer they will last! To give them a long life, we recommend bringing them inside during extreme weather conditions such as extreme sunlight, heat, wind, rain, hail, and snow. Flags can be machine-washed on the gentle cycle with warm water and mild detergent.

What is your return policy?

We hope you'll cherish your Best Thought Co. products for years to come. We do our best to make it known just what to expect by including all possible details on each item's page to help you make the best decision prior to ordering. Because of this, there are no returns – all sales are final.

Damaged items must be reported within 7 days of date received to When reporting damage, please provide us with the Order #, item(s) that are damaged, and a photo of the damage. note: we do not give refunds for damaged items, we accept the item as a return and replace it for you.